Recent News. January 18th. 2014

Recent News
January 18th 2014
A good day for those and of the twelve flights, ten got away off the wire to make soaring flights.  The best being ninety minutes for Will Hopkirk and that was his TE winch-launch conversion flight too.  Dennis Green had three flights, with a forty minute flight to finish things off.  Sam Tullett had three flights in TE then a flight with Tim in WZ to round the day off.   Peter Miller made the second of their two flights a good one with a sixty minute one that extended into a gentle lollop along a blue convergence line that went out past Toko.  No clouds to be seen during the day so it was a challenging time.  Earlier, Charles Lawrence enjoyed a thirty-seven minute Trial Flight and later that evening, I received a message from Mrs Lawrence expressing their appreciation for the kindness and courtesy extended by those members there.  Charles wants to come back.  And why not!
Will Hopirk does his checks

                  Will Hopkirk doing his cockpit checks prior to his winch launch   conversion flight in the PW5.  He has though, done lots of aero-tows in it and has had some memorable flights.
Up Up Up to the delerious blue

        He's away!  Will went on to have a ninety minute flight, sharing the sky
        with the Twin Astir which at the hands of Peter Miller and John Tullett had
        had a most interesting and enjoyable soaring flight for them to savour
        for a long time.
Lenticular cloud video:

                                   Check this out!




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