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Recent News. February 2nd. 2013
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February 2nd 2013 Today was fine, clear and warm with weak thermals around Stratford. Ten flights including two trial flights. Tim Hardwick-Smith instructing. Two flights for Will Hopkirk in the PW5. The first where the thermals weren’t, the second where more of them were. Les Sharp followed worked weak lift to cloud-base at 4000ft and was away for 95 minutes. Instructional flights for Anirudh Tyagi, fresh from a visit back home to India, did just on 40 minutes. Sam Tullett – just on 60 minutes and Julie Woods, 32 minutes. Late in the day John Tullett was away in his K7 for 50 minutes working zero to not much more lift, showing just how it is done. Peter Miller and Les Sharp in the Twin for nearly 30 minutes hoping the stock cars below would roar into life and stir up a thermal. Not to be, so they landed. Or well, that’s their excuse. Thanks to tow-pilot Ralph Gibson who officiated at the business end of the rope with the Pawnee. Both the K7 and the Twin have new and very elegant new hangar trolleys, designed and built by John Tullett. The wheels of the previous ones fell to bits, unable to cope with the loads on them. More cast iron and less pressed thin plate would have been much better. ![]() The forecast for next weekend is at this stage, looking flyable so get yourselves organised. |