TGC Hangar extension work.

This page is to show the progress of the extension to our hangar at Stratford.
Hangar extension.  29.11.2010.jpg

Site having been cleared, the profiles in on 29.11.2010.

Hangar extension 1.12.2010.jpg

1.12.2010.  Poles in, Beams in place and ready for purlins(stack on ground at centre).

Hangar.   03.12.2010. 006.jpg

3.12.2010.  Purlins in place, rafters cross-braced, netting on, some building paper on and the building stayed.

Hangar.  03.12.2010. 012.jpg

And, the first sheets of iron on by morning smoko.  The builders said that all the iron should be on by tonight.  Existing door rails to be secured so we can open the main hangar doors.

WZ flight.  4.12.2010 030.  First footing..jpg
4.12.2010.  First footing!  Most of the roof on.

Hangar.  7.12.2010 004.jpg

7.12.2010.  Side posts in.  Clear roof panels about to be fitted.
TGC hangar.  11.12.2010 001.jpg

11.12.2010.  Progress to date - junction of the two roofs properly jointed(there is a wee drop from one to the other), side girts on and the base for the door tracks at either end completed.
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