November 9th 2010Recent News November 9th 2010 Today was going to be the day and Tim had worked a 150k triangle which would work if he got an early start. Best laid plans etc. etc. and there was no tow pilot available. So, out came the winch and when I arrived on the field, Tim and Steve had got away from a low-ish height and were at 4000ft. A subtle hint was radioed that they should come home which they did and Andre van der Elst was off for a couple of launches. By noting where I thought he had been doing OK, I headed there straight off the top of the launch and with lots of encouragement from Tim in the back seat, we gradually worked our way up to around 2000ft and headed for the sea breeze front which was just to the north of the field and thereafter, I don’t think we circled at all but just kept on working the southern side of the front. We crossed the bush-line by the York Road Quarry, turned tail and ran back along the front to the north of Toko and after gliding back over Stratford, followed Ian Dingle in to land, he on vector 27, and, we onto 16. Peter Williams was cleared for winch launch instruction, Glyn Jackson cleared for winch driving, more flights for Andre, Glyn and Steve. Launch heights in the cross-wind were around the 800ft. Andre had the doubtful honour of the shortest flight – two minutes. Thirteen flights for the day. Chinese take-aways and a beer back at the club house followed by the monthly committee meeting. A good day. Stats: WZ 2hrs 33m (13) |